

N. Morozs, P.D. Mitchell, and Y. Zakharov, "Dual-hop TDA-MAC and routing for underwater acoustic sensor networks," in IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, Early Access, 2019. [PDF]

N. Morozs, P.D. Mitchell, and Y. Zakharov, "Linear TDA-MAC: Unsynchronized scheduling in linear underwater acoustic sensor networks," in IEEE Networking Letters, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 120-123, 2019. [PDF]

W. Gorma, P.D. Mitchell, N. Morozs and Y. Zakharov, "CFDAMA-SRR: A MAC protocol for underwater acoustic sensor networks," in IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 60721-60735, 2019.

M.D. Zakaria, D. Grace, P.D. Mitchell, T.M. Shami, and N. Morozs, "Exploiting user-centric joint transmission - coordinated multipoint with a high altitude platform system architecture," in IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 38957-38972, 2019.

N. Morozs, P.D. Mitchell, and Y. Zakharov, "TDA-MAC: TDMA without clock synchronization in underwater acoustic networks," in IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 1091-1108, 2018. [PDF]

N. Morozs, T. Clarke, and D. Grace, "Cognitive spectrum management in dynamic cellular environments: a case-based Q-learning approach," in Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 55, pp. 239-246, 2016. [PDF]

N. Morozs, T. Clarke, and D. Grace, "Distributed heuristically accelerated Q-learning for robust cognitive spectrum management in LTE cellular systems," in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 817-825, 2016. [PDF]

K. Gomez, S. Kandeepan, M.M. Vidal, V. Boussemart, R. Ramos, R. Hermenier, T. Rasheed, L. Goratti, L. Reynaud, D. Grace, Q. Zhao, Y. Han, S. Rehan, N. Morozs, I. Bucaille, T. Wirth, R. Campo, T. Javornik, "Aerial base stations with opportunistic links for next generation emergency communications," in IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 31-39, 2016.

N. Morozs, T. Clarke, and D. Grace, "Heuristically accelerated reinforcement learning for dynamic secondary spectrum sharing," in IEEE Access, vol. 3, pp. 2771-2783, 2015. [PDF]


N. Morozs, P. Mitchell, and Y. Zakharov, "Routing strategies for Dual-Hop TDA-MAC: Trade-off between network throughput and reliability," in Proceedings of theUnderwater Acoustics Conference and Exhibition, 2019. [PDF]

N. Morozs, P. Mitchell, Y. Zakharov, R. Mourya, Y.R. Petillot, T. Gybney, M. Dragone, B. Sherlock, J.A. Neasham, C.C. Tsimenidis, M.E. Sayed, A.C. McConnell, S. Aracri, and A.A. Stokes, "Robust TDA-MAC for practical underwater sensor network deployment: Lessons from USMART sea trials," in ACM International Conference on Underwater Networks (WUWNet), 2018. [PDF]

N. Morozs, P. Mitchell, and Y. Zakharov, "Unsynchronized dual-hop scheduling for practical data gathering in underwater sensor networks," in IEEE Underwater Communications and Networking Conference (UComms), 2018. [PDF]

Y. Zakharov, Fei Yuan, P. Mitchell, N. Morozs, B. Henson, Lu Shen, and T. Tozer, "Low-complexity UAC modem and data packet structure," in IEEE Underwater Communications and Networking Conference (UComms), 2018.

N. Morozs, T. Clarke, and D. Grace, "Intelligent secondary LTE spectrum sharing in high capacity cognitive cellular systems," in IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall), 2015. [PDF]

N. Morozs, T. Clarke, and D. Grace, "Intelligent dynamic spectrum access in cellular systems with asymmetric topologies and non-uniform traffic loads," in IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall), 2015. [PDF]

N. Morozs, T. Clarke, and D. Grace, "Case-based cognitive cellular systems for temporary events," extended poster abstract in European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), 2015. [PDF]

N. Morozs, T. Clarke, and D. Grace, "Using Bayesian networks for convergence analysis of intelligent dynamic spectrum access algorithms," in IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops) , 2015. [PDF]

N. Morozs, D. Grace, and T. Clarke, "Distributed Q-learning based dynamic spectrum access in high capacity density cognitive cellular systems using secondary LTE spectrum sharing," in International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC), 2014. [PDF] (Invited paper)

N. Morozs, T. Clarke, D. Grace, and Qiyang Zhao, "Distributed Q-learning based dynamic spectrum management in cognitive cellular systems: Choosing the right learning rate," in IEEE International Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), 2014. [PDF]

N. Morozs, D. Grace, and T. Clarke, "Case-based reinforcement learning for cognitive spectrum assignment in cellular networks with dynamic topologies," in Military Communications and Information Systems Conference (MCC), 2013. [PDF] (Invited paper)

Qiyang Zhao, Tao Jiang, N. Morozs, D. Grace, T. Clarke, "Transfer learning: a paradigm for spectrum and topology management in flexible architectures," in IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall), 2013. (Invited paper)

N. Morozs, T. Clarke, and D. Grace, "A novel adaptive call admission control scheme for distributed reinforcement learning based dynamic spectrum access in cellular networks," in International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), 2013. [PDF] (Best Paper Award)

PhD Thesis

N. Morozs, "Accelerating Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Spectrum Access in Cognitive Wireless Networks," PhD Thesis, University of York, 2015. [PDF]